Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Juice Recipe and Juicing Tips!

Even Lola loved my juice!  She kept trying to get some! lol

Hi everyone!

I know it has been a minute since I posted.  If you follow me on facebook or twitter, you know that my back went out last week and honestly, it was just too painful to sit at the computer for too long.  As an added bonus, I have to say that a week without as much technology was kind of nice. :)  But I am starting to feel a lot better and I'm back with a yummy juice recipe I made today!

I just bought jars to store my juice in.  Jars are great because they keep your juice airtight, which will keep it fresher longer.  Remember, real fresh juice is not loaded with preservatives so it will turn brown if exposed to the air for too long!  Another trick is to add a lemon to any juice recipe--lemon juice is like Mother Nature's preservative!

I juiced enough to fill four 32-ounce jars.  These jars are the perfect size to take with you so you can drink your juice all day long!  I challenge you to wake up a little earlier and make some juice for your day.  I guarantee you will feel amazing!

Lots of love,

Juice Recipe 
(enough for 4 jars)
7 apples
2 oranges
about 3 handfuls of baby carrots
3 pears
5 kiwis
3 stalks of celery
1 lemon

Add all of these ingredients to your juicer and enjoy!

Juicing Tips
-If your juice tastes bitter, add more apples for a sweeter taste.
-Add a lemon to your juice to keep it fresh longer.
-Mix it up and don't be afraid to experiment with different juicing recipes!  I usually just use whatever fruit and veggies I have on hand.
-Costco makes it very affordable to buy enough fruits and veggies to make all of your juice! (and I did not get paid to say that! lol)
-Buy jars to put your day's supply of juice in to prevent oxidation and keep it fresher longer!

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