Sunday, October 14, 2012

On to New Adventures...

After a lot of reflection over the past few weeks, I've made some decisions about how I want to live my life from here on out. I've thought about what I value, who I value, how I want to live, how to find balance, what my goals are, and how I want to challenge myself in new ways. I've also thought about time and how to use it to create my best life, and for things that are truly important to me.

That being said, I have made the decision to shut down my blog Live It Up with Monica.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

HIIT It Core and Butt Workout Challenge!

I just finished a great workout and I'm challenging you to beat my time!  I'm feeling so good after that heart-pumping, sweaty, endorphin-releasing workout.  You HAVE to try it!  My time was 18:38...push yourself and I know you can beat me!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Does Your Dress Size Determine How Sexy You Are?

I posted the pictures above on my facebook this week and asked for your feedback.  I have to say, I was pretty impressed by your responses.  Not one person bashed anyone, which makes me happy and proud to be a part of our community here.  The overwhelmingly positive response was one of beauty diversity, recognizing that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and is admired across the board.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Solar Tube Sun Tea--Alternative Energy--Hell Yeah!

Hey guys!

Remember that cool solar thermal water heater I showed you?  If not, you can watch that video here.  Then check out my current video:

Today I'm showing you the sun tea I made in one of the solar tubes!  You can pretty much cook whatever you want in these tubes--they become a solar-powered oven that gets up to 300-400 degrees.  My boyfriend, Owen, takes them out on the boat while fishing and fills them up with hot dogs, chicken or veggies so that he has a hot meal when he starts getting hungry.  These are perfect for camping or RV life too!  Once you cook your food in any kind of solar oven, you realize that sun-cooked food is oh-so-much-better than food cooked in a conventional oven.  Soooooo much better!  If you don't have a solar tube, you can always email me to get your own or you can make a solar oven out of a cardboard box, tin foil, and saran wrap.  Search youtube for videos, because there are a ton out there!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Run Like a Kid, Not an Athlete

Have you ever watched your kids or dogs run?  They look so carefree and happy, like they are simply enjoying the speed and movement, and the sensation of wind rushing across their faces.  Have you also noticed that they aren't timing themselves or tracking their distance?  That would take the fun out of it.

A few weeks ago, I started, jogging.  Ok, ok, more like jog-walking.  Never before in my life had jogging felt so good.  It had always hurt.  This time I paid special attention to my breathing, which made the experience so much more enjoyable.  Proper breathing made jogging feel like a moving meditation, where I could clear my mind and enjoy the trees swooshing past me.  I timed myself and tracked my distance.  I jog-walked a 13:48 minute mile for my very first time ever.  Not bad, but I definitely expect more of myself.  So for the next week or so, I set out to the same park with my Gymboss timer and pedometer, beating myself by a few seconds each time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 Ways to Live a Free Life

I've had a couple of people say to me now, "You just seem so free.  I'm jealous."  It got me thinking.  I AM free.  I have my bad days like anyone else, but I live a very carefree, joyful life.  There was a time when it was the opposite.  I was miserable and weighed down.  So, I've been asking myself, how did I get here?  This is how:

1. Free your mind. My mind used to be a repeating loop of negativity, worry, anxiety, planning, poor self-talk, fearfulness, analyzing, ruminating, and excessive dwelling.  It took time and consistent effort to break the loop.  It took self-awareness and educating myself.  After many years of hard work to break away from my conditioning, and after many years of yoga and meditation, I can happily say that I have become fully aware of my ego.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Mom's Patio Garden

A love of gardening runs in my family.  I inherited my green thumb from my mom and she inherited hers from her mom.  Last week, my mom sent me these photos of her patio garden in Germany.  She has a beautiful little patio that is private, sunny, and lush with plants.  Across the way is a yard full of chickens and rabbits.  I love soaking up the sounds and listening to the neighbors speak German, trying to figure out what they are saying to one another. I hope you enjoy some of her pictures. :)

I want to see your gardens too, so post them on my facebook, twitter, or email me at <3

Her tomatoes


Grow Your Own Food Year Round in a Grow Tent

Do you love the taste of tomatoes picked fresh off the vine?  How about the taste of ripe, sun-warmed strawberries?  Or the delicate texture of fresh-picked zucchini flowers that are so rare to find in grocery stores?  

Gardening is a daily adventure.  Everyday, you'll find a new bud or fruit growing on the plant you've painstakingly cared for.  It is a joyful experience.  It is peaceful.  

Gardening has the power to calm the mind and connect you to the earth.  New meaning is brought to your meal when you've cared for the food you're about to eat.  You become more mindful of your food.  Eating becomes a sensual experience as your senses become more aware of the texture, fragrance, and the explosive flavors.  Fruits and vegetables that are fresh off the vine taste immeasurably better than their counterparts at the grocery store.

Isn't it a shame that we only get to experience these pleasures once a year?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Falling Back into Bad Habits and Finding Success in Adjustment

 "Failure finds success in adjustment."--Unknown

The quote above is one I keep close on my path to any goal.  If I am not finding success in a project or goal I'm working on, it can be easy to think the whole thing is going to flop and I should throw in the towel.  That was my old way of thinking.  These days, I remember this quote and the mentor who gifted it to me.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to Save 70% on Your Power Bill with Affordable Solar Technology

Hi guys!

I am so excited to bring you today's video!  In this video I'm showing you how you can cut 70% of your energy costs and potentially live completely energy independent with this simple and affordable solar technology!  This technology rocked my world when it was introduced to me.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Living It Up with Our Fishing Poles!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to check in from fishing with my man in Gig Harbor!  It was a gorgeous day and I just had to share the view with you.  We even reeled in a few salmon, but released them since they were just a bit too small to keep.  I may not have caught my dinner, but any day you're catching is a great day. :)

Btw, I want to hear from my fishermen and women out there.  Who are you? Where are you from? What are you catching?  And I want pictures!  Post them to my facebook or twitter.

Hope you're living it up today:),

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fill Your Life with Music That Feeds Your Soul and Makes You Happy

Enjoy :)

How to Treat Fungal Diseases in Your Garden & Garden Check In

My zucchini :)

Hi everyone!

It has been a month since I planted my super simple container veggie garden, so I want to bring you an update and show you how everything is doing!  Check out last month's video so you can see the progress for yourself!  Then check out the current video:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vegan Recipe: Spicy Mexi Salad

This has been my go-to salad for the last week and I think you're going to love it.  I made one for my boyfriend the other day, he stopped, looked at his plate, looked back up at me and said, "Babe, you make being healthy so much fun!"  I would have to agree. ;)  If you don't enjoy it, why do it?

Heaping portion of spring mix salad greens
1-2 cups cooked quinoa
1 bell pepper (yellow, orange and red are my faves), chopped
Small handful of all-natural tortilla chips, crumbled
Salsa, as much as you want as a dressing
Shredded cheese, optional

Don't stop here.  Get creative.  How about some black beans, nuts, meat (if you're not vegetarian like I am), carrots, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers...the possibilities are endless.

How To
Add each ingredient to your plate, in the order listed.
Enjoy. :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just Listen

Just listen.  Love this song.  
"The Thing About It"
by Sweatshop Union

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Change Your Language and Change Your Life

I'm a reformed Negative Nelly.  My life used to be full of pain, struggle and suffering (& consequently, anger), and I didn't understand how bad things could keep happening to me when I was a good person.  It wasn't until I learned how our thoughts, and more specifically the words we use, directly affect the quality of our life.  I used to think this was woo-woo nonsense until I gave it a shot and started seeing dramatic changes in my life.  DRAMATIC changes.

What are you focusing on right now?  Are you worrying or anxious, thinking about the things in your life that you DON'T want?  Flip it around with this question:
If this is what I DON'T want, then what DO I want?  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Exercise Demo: How To Do a One-Legged Squat with Beginner Mods

This exercise is extremely difficult, so if you need to start with the beginner's mods, it is totally okay!  This exercise will work almost every muscle in your legs and glutes.  Keep ALL OF YOUR MUSCLES tight.  Tight legs, glutes, core...shoulders should be back so you stand tall.  Push your hips back as you lower down so that you knee does not extend beyond your toe.  

Exercise Demo: How To Do a Jump Lunge

Here is a demo for a jump lunge.  Start in a lunge position, making sure your knee stays directly above your toe and never goes beyond.  Push your hips back further if your knee keeps trying to go forward.  Power through your legs and jump into the air.  Switch your legs mid-air and land back in a lunge position.

Exercise Demo: How To Do a Burpee with a Push Up

For those of you taking the 4 Week Tight and Lean Challenge, I've done a few demo videos for the first HIIT IT workout.  First one up: Burpee with a Push Up.  Keep your core tight, shoulders back, and keep your hips lifted during the push up!

The 4 Week Tight and Lean Challenge!

As promised, here is my very own 4 Week Tight and Lean Challenge!  I did this challenge myself last month and saw noticeable results!  This challenge gets progressively harder as the weeks go on, so get ready to FEEL a difference in your physical performance.  Your stamina, strength and flexibility are all going to improve dramatically!  For the stretching, you can do your own routine, or you you can follow my video on stretching which is posted down below.  Just click on any of the schedules to get a larger view and download them to your computer.  If you have any questions on how to do any of the exercises, just let me know and I'll post a how-to video for the exercise.  Keep your healthy lifestyle fresh with a challenge!  It always feels great to compete against yourself and WIN!

Finally....Healthy Habit #7 and a Monica Rant on Body Image

Hey everyone!

I know it has been a while since the last Healthy Habit and I apologize for that!  I've had so much going on with traveling, my business and things going on in my personal life.  It never quite felt like the right time to make a video, but today I felt inspired to bring you the next habit on your journey to better health.

Most of the habits so far have focused on nutrition, and that is because a fit, healthy body is 80% what you put in your mouth.  Now it is time to start moving your body.  I want you to start making exercise a priority in your life if it isn't already.  I want you to find an activity you love to do and do it consistently!  Consistency is the name of the game here, folks.  You could work your tush off for a month, and then slip up, not work out for a month and all of your progress would be lost.  I don't want you to put in all that energy for nothing!  Stay consistent!  Even if it is only a quick 10 minute workout, MOVE! I know life can get in the way.  We all get busy.  There will be days when we just can't work out.  That's okay.  Don't beat yourself up about it.  It happens.  We're in it to win it, for life, and one day off won't kill us.  Two days off might hurt.  You'll start to feel sluggish and beat yourself up.  But even two days off is okay.

I personally do my very best not to let three days go by without moving my body in some way.  A perfect week for me would be exercising Monday through Friday, and taking the weekend off to rest and recover, and maybe just do something light and fun.  Those recovery days are just as important as the days you work out, if not more so.  Those are the days your muscles repair and build themselves up.  The rest days give you results.

All I'm saying, is PLAN your rest days instead of being a victim of them because of your schedule, your broken down car, the babysitter cancelling, or whatever other reason pops up to prevent your workout. In the video, I also go on a bit of a rant about body image.

Lately, as I've struggled with my own "last ten pounds," I've come to the conclusion that perhaps we shouldn't stress on those last few pounds as much as we do.  I have a little sumthin sumthin hanging onto my hips, but you know what?  It is NATURAL for our bodies to hang onto those last few pounds!  Our evolutionary history has taught our bodies to keep a little fat in case of famine or a harsh winter.  Those pounds are there to protect us!  And to be perfectly honest, when I get much smaller than I do now, I just don't feel as good, or as healthy. I've read quite a few articles from fitness models and figure competitors lately about how unrealistic it is to keep their "perfect body" all year round.  They have to severely restrict their diet to end up on that magazine cover, and that restriction can lead to all kinds of health problems, from poor digestion, loss of their period, not to mention the dry/brittle hair, skin and nails.  And even then, they get Photoshopped!

We live in a Photoshop world, where the idea of beauty has been severely distorted. I posted a picture recently on my facebook of a model and how she was Photoshopped to be on the cover of a magazine.  Her cellulite (yes, she had cellulite--it's NORMAL) was smoothed out, a hip roll was removed and she was made to look like a plastic Barbie.  She looked beautiful before, and they distorted her image to something ridiculously unattainable.  And this is what they tell us we need to look like.

Well, I for one am DONE with this fake body image nonsense.  I love my body exactly how it is.  And I vow, right here and now, to focus on how my body feels and what my body can do, instead of how I look.  Looking amazing will be a natural by-product of eating delicious, nutritious foods and moving by body daily.  I don't need to worry about it.  If I'm consistent, my body will become the best it can be.  My body will feel energetic and light and strong.  I will be able to lift myself up, touch my toes, run fast and far--and look great doing it.

 I challenge you to change the way you think about your body.  Ditch the Photoshop mentality and be easier on yourself.  Accept that the idea of beauty changes with the decade.  One decade, curvy is on, the next it is skinny.  Accept that beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and what is beautiful to one isn't to another.  Accept YOUR body as it was created.  Accept the little bit of fat that nature gives us for protection.  Eat well.  Move your body.  Love your body.  The rest will fall into place.

Much love to you all!  Find me on my facebook and tell me how you are moving your body this week!


Monday, June 11, 2012

My Very LOW MAINTENANCE Veggie Garden

Hey everyone!
Check out my super simple, easy peasy, functional, anyone-can-do-it-no-matter-where-you-live veggie garden this year!  I used 5 gallon buckets for my containers, and just put them on the side of my house and on my deck. I'm growing three different kinds of tomatoes--a purple one :), a big juicy red variety, and grape tomatoes--beans, zucchini, yellow and orange bell peppers, dill weed, strawberries, and stevia!  I'm kind of excited about the stevia--since it is a staple in my diet.  I'm not exactly sure how to process it yet, but I'll figure it out.

I used FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil and once a week I'm fertilizing with Vital Earth's Seabird Guano, Cal Mag, and my shop's very own living compost tea, which introduces live beneficial bacteria and microbes to the root system.  Those friendly microbes and bacteria support EXTREME root growth, and as we say, the bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits!  I'm also foliar spraying with liquid kelp once a week.  Everything I'm using is organic and I can't wait to bite into all of my delicious, homegrown food in a couple months!

 Up next...the indoor herb garden on my kitchen counter.  My goal is to eventually become as self-sufficient as possible, which means growing as much of my own food as possible.  Not only does it help my lil ol' carbon footprint by saving gas and pollution trucking these foods all over the world, but I know EXACTLY what is in my food, what fertilizers/pesticides were used, and I can eat it right off the vine--unlike at the grocery store where the fruits and veggies are already a couple weeks old.  Um, can anyone say nutrient loss?  Help the environment, help ourselves....seems like a win-win to me.

 I would love to see what you're growing this year!  Post your pics on my facebook!  Oh, and if any of you have a magical way to keep the slugs at bay, PLEASE let me know!

Have a great week!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Vegan Recipe: Warm Spring Quinoa Salad

I LOVED this meal the other night. The warm, crisp veggies 
were bursting with flavor and the fresh lemon juice 
added a tangy spring-fresh feel to the dish.

Serves one
Extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced
3 mushrooms, thinly sliced
lemon pepper salt
dash of garlic salt
1/2 yellow bell pepper, sliced 1/2"
1/2 orange bell pepper
5 asparagus, cut into 2-3" pieces
1/2 zucchini, cut into 1/2" slices
handful of small tomatoes
2 cups cooked quinoa
1-2 lemons, cut in half

How To
1. Drizzle oil in a saute pan and heat on med-med/high heat.
2. As oil starts to heat, add garlic to pan.
3. Add sliced mushrooms to pan and coat in oil.
4. Season mushrooms with lemon pepper salt and garlic salt to taste.
5. After you saute the mushrooms for about 2 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables to the pan.  
6. Add a little more oil and seasonings to coat the veggies.
7. After you saute the veggies for 3 minutes, add the quinoa to the pan. Stir occasionally.
8. Stir the veggies and quinoa often until the mixture is warm but the veggies are still warm.
9. Garnish with lemon halves and serve.  Drizzle the salad with fresh lemon juice before eating. 

A heaping plate of goodness :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

I've Made a HUGE Decision

Hey everyone,

I made a MASSIVE decision on Friday night, one that is going to impact me for the rest of my life.  I'm telling you because it is directly related to my health, which means it will affect my blog too.

I'm giving up animal flesh.  No more beef, chicken, turkey, none of it.

The crazy thing is that if you would have suggested this to me 6 months ago, I would have laughed and eaten a steak.  I have always LOVED meat.  The bloodier the steak, the better it was to me.  And chicken is a staple in my diet, especially since I've gone healthy.

So, you may ask, what changed?

Well, I think the Universe has been conspiring against me.  Or for me, depending on how you look at it.  For months now, it seems everywhere I turn I see and hear pro-vegan images and statements.  I have a few facebook friends who are raw vegan and always posting something thought-provoking.  I've been getting the message loud and clear that meat is very difficult for the body to digest and somebody lovingly referred to it as "putrified flesh rotting in your bowels," which is a mental picture that has stuck with me.  But the health reasons alone weren't enough for me.  I mean, every other year, there is a new diet where they tell you to give up SOMETHING, so I try to take those kinds of messages with a grain of salt.

It was a video that finally did me in.  The video below, actually:

I have always loved animals, since I was a kid.  In fact, I'm kind of obsessive about my dogs, in case you haven't noticed.  But I guess somewhere along the way I became removed from exactly how we get the meat we eat.  Intellectually, I'd heard it before.  I'd heard people talk about the poor conditions that animals are raised in, the antibiotics they pump into them.  It wasn't until I saw it with my own eyes that it meant something to me.  It wasn't until I saw animals strung up by their hind legs, their throats slit, entrails hanging out, still alive, as the butcher cut them into pieces.  It wasn't until I saw animals squished together, walking on top of each other, sick, hurt, trying to eat each other, clubbed to death, that it really meant something to me.  It wasn't until I saw their very real pain first hand that it hit me. I cried my eyes out for an hour.

One of the images that really got to me. 
 It disgusts me that someone would eat a dog, 
but is it really that much different than eating a cow?  
In India, cows are sacred, and they probably 
look at us the same way as I look at the men in this photo.

Something changed inside of me in that hour.  Something clicked over in my brain.  I held onto my dog, imagining Lola going through that kind of pain.  For the first time in my life, it hit me that these animals that we slaughter and eat are living creatures with feelings, and by eating them for dinner I contributed to all of those images in the movie I had just watched.  (Well, only half watched, I couldn't even finish the movie--it was awful.)  I realized I was a murderer.  Maybe I wasn't the one clubbing them to death, but someone had to do it for me, didn't they? I no longer want to contribute to what I now see as heinous acts against living beings.  I will never again consume animal flesh.  My decision is strictly moral and ethical.

 A few weeks ago, I attempted to give up meat for the health benefits (and there are MANY) but the health benefits alone were not enough for me to stick with my decision.  But after seeing those images, I really don't know how I could ever eat a piece of animal flesh again.  Someone asked me on Saturday if I wanted to grab a burger and I almost puked in my mouth.  I feel like the smoker who suddenly quits and never picks up a cigarette again.  I'm done.  Just like that.  I don't really know what to label myself now.  I don't really plan on labeling myself anything, as I really hate labels.  I don't want to eat any animal product that contributes to the mistreatment of animals.

That being said, I live in the country, surrounded by farmers.  So I will continue to eat farm fresh eggs, the ones laid by chickens that hang out in the field all day long.  And if I can find a good dairy farmer, I will continue to eat cheese too.  I've already given up milk because it is extremely hard for adults to digest, so that doesn't affect me.  I'm undecided on fish, especially the fish my boyfriend brings home from his weekend fishing trips... Right now, I'm studying up on the nutrition of the Meatless Way and gathering yummy recipes (even though, to be honest, most vegetarian and vegan recipes look pretty gross), but I have found some that look promising.  I'll keep you updated as I go and pass my best recipes along.

For now, I'm eating a TON of fruits and veggies (way more than I'm used to), quinoa, nuts, seeds, and making sure to take my vitamins.  I actually feel great, and totally satisfied, with my new way of eating. I would also like to say, I don't plan on being one of those "judgy" vegans/vegetarians/whatever the hell I am now.  I won't attack you or look down on you for eating animal products.  But I will throw in some education here and there.  I understand it is a very personal decision, and it is one that took me months to get to. I do encourage you to check out the videos above and below.  And if I have any vegan/vegetarian readers out there, I would love to hear from you--your stories, advice, recipes, etc.!

Thank you for reading,


 PS This is another eye-opening, and very graphic, video about the meat industry.  I could barely look at the screen and didn't get through the first few minutes.  I will NEVER eat meat again.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Healthy Habit #6--Stretch It Out!!

Hello from Germany!

 Time to tackle Healthy Habit #6, which is to stretch every single day!  You will feel loose, limber, prep your body for your workouts and prevent injury.  Between my back going out (I was a bad girl and hadn't stretched in a week, then jumped into a workout without warming up--I should know better!) and my travel planning, it has been a minute since I've posted a video.  So I decided to do a quick stretch while waiting for my plane and record it for you.  This is a routine I do regularly and it focuses a lot on stretching the back.  It includes a lot of stretches you have probably seen before and also incorporates some yoga.

 You can use this routine as a starting point, but know that every body is different, with special needs.  If you have muscles that cause you aches and pains, then I encourage you to do your homework and find the stretches that will help those muscles.  If a certain muscle is causing pain or is very tight, it is also good to know that working the muscles around that muscle will also help to loosen it up.  Everything is connected!  The same goes for opposite sides of your body.  For example, if a muscle in your upper back hurts, then working out your pecs, directly opposite of that point, will help alleviate the pain.

 I really want you to tackle this challenge because next week I will be challenging you to start your workouts.  Stretching, like exercising, is not usually fun the first couple of weeks.  It kind of hurts.  But after you get over that hurdle and the discomfort is gone, both stretching and working out will feel so incredibly good to you!  And if you start stretching this week, exercising next week will be that much easier.

 If you have any specific questions, go ahead and ask me on my facebook or twitter and I will try to help you out! See you next week when I'm back in America!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I Followed the Sunshine and This is What I Found...

Hi everyone!

If you don't already know, I live in beautiful Washington State.  I LOVE living here.  I've been all around the world and Washington, and the Pacific NW as a whole, is the most beautiful place I have found.  It seems no matter where you go, there is a new trail to explore or mountain to climb.  The great thing about living in Western Washington, in particular, is that you can drastically change your scenery in only a few hours!  I can go to the ocean for some surfing or fishing, I can go snowboarding and skiing, I can go to the desert.  And in my own backyard, I am surrounded by water and lush forests.

I didn't take full advantage of Washington until I got in shape.  Now it is like I am rediscovering the place I've lived for so long.  I'm rediscovering my body and what it can do.  Life is what you make of it.

The one drawback to living here is the rain.  Especially during the winter when we get about 6 months of gray, rainy Hell.  Many of us Washingtonians get S.A.D., an appropriate acronym for Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is basically seasonal depression.  My first 2 winters here were awful.  By my third winter, my body had adjusted and I had learned a few tricks, but that's another blog post.

Why do we put up with it?  Not only for all the reasons I mentioned in the first paragraph, but also because our summers are PERFECT.  We get 3 months of the most beautiful weather you can imagine.  Washington summers are a time to go to concerts at the Gorge (the best venue in the world for concerts), boating in the Puget Sound, fishing, stand up paddleboarding, camping, kayaking, going to Seattle for our games.  Washington summers make up for the Washington winters.  And even winter can be manageable if it snows and you spend it on the mountain snowboarding.

We are at the beginning of Spring now, which means even more rain, but now it is punctuated here and there with green grass, flowers and the occasional sunny day.  The other day it was raining where I live, but I noticed a break in the clouds over yonder.  So, in an attempt to escape the rain and put a smile on my dog's face (yes, pit bulls smile!), Lola and I jumped in the car and drove toward the sunshine.  I had no idea where I would end up--I just followed the sun.  The great thing about Washington is that no matter where you go, there is always a hidden gem to explore.  Hope you enjoy the pictures and they inspire you to go on a spontaneous adventure of your own!

Lots of love,

I was so surprised to find a sweet little pond at the end of the trail!

Beautiful Washington greenery :)

I <3 my trees.

Lola is taking in the scenery.

Lola saying "Thank you" for taking her out. :)

Juice Recipe and Juicing Tips!

Even Lola loved my juice!  She kept trying to get some! lol

Hi everyone!

I know it has been a minute since I posted.  If you follow me on facebook or twitter, you know that my back went out last week and honestly, it was just too painful to sit at the computer for too long.  As an added bonus, I have to say that a week without as much technology was kind of nice. :)  But I am starting to feel a lot better and I'm back with a yummy juice recipe I made today!

I just bought jars to store my juice in.  Jars are great because they keep your juice airtight, which will keep it fresher longer.  Remember, real fresh juice is not loaded with preservatives so it will turn brown if exposed to the air for too long!  Another trick is to add a lemon to any juice recipe--lemon juice is like Mother Nature's preservative!

I juiced enough to fill four 32-ounce jars.  These jars are the perfect size to take with you so you can drink your juice all day long!  I challenge you to wake up a little earlier and make some juice for your day.  I guarantee you will feel amazing!

Lots of love,

Juice Recipe 
(enough for 4 jars)
7 apples
2 oranges
about 3 handfuls of baby carrots
3 pears
5 kiwis
3 stalks of celery
1 lemon

Add all of these ingredients to your juicer and enjoy!

Juicing Tips
-If your juice tastes bitter, add more apples for a sweeter taste.
-Add a lemon to your juice to keep it fresh longer.
-Mix it up and don't be afraid to experiment with different juicing recipes!  I usually just use whatever fruit and veggies I have on hand.
-Costco makes it very affordable to buy enough fruits and veggies to make all of your juice! (and I did not get paid to say that! lol)
-Buy jars to put your day's supply of juice in to prevent oxidation and keep it fresher longer!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

SuperHero Ninja Smoothie

This smoothie went Superhero Ninja on my sweet tooth tonight.
And it's good for you too.

6-7 frozen strawberries
1 banana
2 kiwis
about 1 cup soy milk (more = creamier)
about 1 1/2 cups water (less = thicker)

Peel the fruit.
Add fruit to blender.
Add water and soy milk to taste. 
Sleeper hold your sweet tooth into submission.

Healthy Habit #5-This is Why You're Sick and You Can't Lose Weight

Hi everyone!
     Healthy Habit #5 is the hardest challenge to date, but I believe it is THE MOST IMPORTANT.  If you have been trying to lose weight but can't, and think you're doing everything right, this may be the reason.  If you are sick, have disease, feel 'off,' or visit the doctor's office way more than you need to, you NEED to watch this video.
     It is time for you to give up your processed, junk, and fast foods!  The high fructose corn syrup, MSG, food additives, preservatives, and hormones are killing you!  Ditch the diet soda!  Ditch the artificial sweeteners!  They are causing your health problems, diseases, illnesses, cancers, skin conditions, allergies and more.  Does it seem hard to believe?  Do yourself a favor and pick up the books I've recommended below.  They will educate you about the state of our food industry.
     The food industry is drugging you.  They are tricking you into thinking cardboard tastes good!  If you gave up the McDonald's for a week and then went back to it, a few things would happen: (1) You would go through withdrawals.  That's what happens when you're on drugs.  (2) When you eat it again, it won't taste near as good and you'll probably get sick.  And (3) if you got through all of your withdrawals, and your cravings went away, as soon as you eat it again, you'll start craving it again.  Drugs are a terrible thing.
     At 10 minutes, I know this is my longest video to date, but I wouldn't waste your time.  This is important information.  I also go through a lot of the GOOD CARBS that I want you to be eating.  As always, I welcome you to write me with any questions you might have.  I will get back to you and it brings me ridiculous amounts of joy to help.
     I know this one is hard, but believe that you can do this!  I do.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green Juice Recipe!

Green Juice Recipe

2 pears
1 apple

Throw ingredients in juicer.
Drink juice.
Feel better.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Start Losing Inches with Healthy Habit #4!

Hey everyone!

Have you joined the Healthy Habit Challenge yet?  Don't you want to transform your life week by week with just 10 revolutionary habits?  They are so simple and so profound.  Your life will begin to change little by little, then momentum will build and pretty soon you will radiate good health!  It started with drinking water, to cleanse.  Then we started eating way more fruits and veggies, to nourish.  Then we combined lean protein and high fiber veggies at every meal, to satisfy.  Today, you learn to cut portion sizes and be mindful when you eat, to start losing.

When you eat, I want you to pay attention to how your body feels and how hungry you are.  Wait until you are at least a little hungry to start eating.  Then eat slowly, mindfully, enjoy your food.  Take at least twenty minutes to eat so that your body has time to send the "I'm satisfied" signal to your brain.  When you are no longer hungry but you don't have the "full" or "stuffed" feeling, that is when I want you to put your fork down.  Never again do I want you to eat until you are so full  that you want to take a nap after dinner.  I want you to stop eating when you are satisfied but not full.  You should feel light and energetic after your meal, always. 

Your don't need to count calories ever again!  Your body will naturally regulate calories with hunger signals.  That's one reason the first three habits are so important, even if you haven't seen very many results yet.  You needed to take care of the inside of your body so that all of those signals are working properly.  What good are those hunger signals if you're really just thirsty?  But you know the difference between hunger and thirst signals now because you've been drinking all of your water for three weeks now!  There is a method to my madness, people!

As always, check in with me and let me know how you're doing.  Comment here on my blog, find me on facebook and twitter.  You can email me at  I try to answer everyone that writes me.  

Until next week, take care of yourself, love yourself, and ALWAYS believe in yourself!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Healthy Habit #3 Guarantees You're Always Satisfied, Never Deprived...

Hi everyone!

Healthy Habit #3 will guarantee that you always feel satisfied, never restricted or deprived.  I never would have been able to lose 40 pounds if I had felt like I was on a diet.  I want to live life, and eating great food is part of that.  The invaluable trick I learned was to eat protein and fruits or veggies every few hours to satisfy my hunger pains before they started.  Protein satiates your appetite.  The fiber in fruits and veggies is filling.  Together, protein and fiber pack a powerful punch against hunger!  If you follow this way of eating, you will never feel restricted or deprived and you will eat plenty of delicious food in the process.

Women should be getting 46-58 grams of protein per day and men should be getting 56-70 grams per day, unless of course you are a body builder or training your body with exercise and nutrition to build more mass.  You can get protein from a variety of animal and plant sources.  It is surprising how much protein you find in vegetables -- especially spinach!  Below you will find a handy list of animal and plant protein sources, and how many grams of protein you receive per serving.  Use this as a guide and start pairing these proteins with a variety of smoothies, salads, juices, and sides.  Get creative and share your creations with the rest of us!  Post pictures of your meals on my facebook or twitter.  Comment on this post with your favorite combos and meals.  Who knows, you might help someone who stumbles across your post. :)

Good luck with Challenge #3 this week!  I KNOW you can do this.  I believe in you, and I want you to believe in yourself too.

Lots of love <3,