Monday, July 30, 2012

Run Like a Kid, Not an Athlete

Have you ever watched your kids or dogs run?  They look so carefree and happy, like they are simply enjoying the speed and movement, and the sensation of wind rushing across their faces.  Have you also noticed that they aren't timing themselves or tracking their distance?  That would take the fun out of it.

A few weeks ago, I started, jogging.  Ok, ok, more like jog-walking.  Never before in my life had jogging felt so good.  It had always hurt.  This time I paid special attention to my breathing, which made the experience so much more enjoyable.  Proper breathing made jogging feel like a moving meditation, where I could clear my mind and enjoy the trees swooshing past me.  I timed myself and tracked my distance.  I jog-walked a 13:48 minute mile for my very first time ever.  Not bad, but I definitely expect more of myself.  So for the next week or so, I set out to the same park with my Gymboss timer and pedometer, beating myself by a few seconds each time.

You know what, though?  I really didn't have that much fun.  And if there is one thing about me that you will begin to learn, it's that I don't like to do things that don't feel good.  Period.  I'm a huge believer in following your bliss.  I truly believe that if we do what feels good to us (and I'm not talking about stuffing our faces with Twinkies while watching 4 hours of TV), then we will be on the life path we are meant to be on.  We will learn what we are supposed to learn, meet the people we are supposed to meet, and do the things we need to do.  By listening to that inner voice inside, by following our bliss, we remain true to ourselves, even if it seems small or trivial at the time.

Even though jogging became more of a chore in the past few weeks, I still remember how that first time felt.  I felt exhilarated and free.  I loved the speed and the wind against my face.  I loved seeing Lola's huge tongue flopping out the side of her mouth as she ran with me.  That is the feeling I want when I run.

I tried something a little different today.  I took my dogs, Loki and Lola, to the park, but I didn't take my timer or pedometer.  I didn't even put the dogs on leashes, since no one else was around.  And we ran our little hearts out.  We skipped and played and jogged and walked a little.  We stopped to look at rocks and trees and flowers, but most of the time we ran.  I felt like a little kid all over again.

Adults run for results.  We time, we track, we want our bodies to change, we want to beat our high score.  But little kids, they run because it feels good.  They run to feel free.  They run to play.

I encourage all of you to go outside and play today.  Run, walk, jog, climb trees, throw rocks, dip your feet into a stream, or hell, jump into the stream.  The benefits will go far beyond your waistline.  You will enhance your emotional well-being.  Nature will feed your spirit.  Allowing your silliness to come out will make you feel young again.  You will feel better and as a result, you will emit a higher energy into the world around you, helping others to feel better.  There is a ripple effect.

What have you got to lose?  Go outside and PLAY today.  



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