Sunday, October 14, 2012

On to New Adventures...

After a lot of reflection over the past few weeks, I've made some decisions about how I want to live my life from here on out. I've thought about what I value, who I value, how I want to live, how to find balance, what my goals are, and how I want to challenge myself in new ways. I've also thought about time and how to use it to create my best life, and for things that are truly important to me.

That being said, I have made the decision to shut down my blog Live It Up with Monica.
I have loved this experience over the past year, but there are also a lot of aspects I didn't enjoy, such as the time it takes to create a truly excellent blog. It is a job to do this work the right way, and I have a new found respect for bloggers everywhere. There is a lot of pressure for bloggers, believe it or not.

One of the things I have truly enjoyed is the writing. I have been a writer my entire life. It is simultaneously a compulsion and a passion of mine, and after a few years of not writing, this blog has brought writing back into my life. For this, I am immensely grateful.

I will continue to write. It won't be on a regular basis, but when inspiration hits me. I will continue to write about health, fitness, gardening and sustainable living. I will also branch out to other topics, and probably more controversial topics, than you have seen here on my blog. I will be writing more poetry.

I have created a new space for my writing. If you have enjoyed my blog or my facebook posts, please follow me and keep in touch with me on my new site:

I won't have a facebook page for this blog, so you will actually have to go to the site to keep up with me, or you can find me on Google+:

If you'd like to get in touch with me thru email, you can email me at:

I want to thank each and every one of you for creating this experience with me this past year. I have loved connecting with you and hope you will continue to stay in touch.

To love, peace, and living life completely~

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