Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Healthy Habit #3 Guarantees You're Always Satisfied, Never Deprived...

Hi everyone!

Healthy Habit #3 will guarantee that you always feel satisfied, never restricted or deprived.  I never would have been able to lose 40 pounds if I had felt like I was on a diet.  I want to live life, and eating great food is part of that.  The invaluable trick I learned was to eat protein and fruits or veggies every few hours to satisfy my hunger pains before they started.  Protein satiates your appetite.  The fiber in fruits and veggies is filling.  Together, protein and fiber pack a powerful punch against hunger!  If you follow this way of eating, you will never feel restricted or deprived and you will eat plenty of delicious food in the process.

Women should be getting 46-58 grams of protein per day and men should be getting 56-70 grams per day, unless of course you are a body builder or training your body with exercise and nutrition to build more mass.  You can get protein from a variety of animal and plant sources.  It is surprising how much protein you find in vegetables -- especially spinach!  Below you will find a handy list of animal and plant protein sources, and how many grams of protein you receive per serving.  Use this as a guide and start pairing these proteins with a variety of smoothies, salads, juices, and sides.  Get creative and share your creations with the rest of us!  Post pictures of your meals on my facebook or twitter.  Comment on this post with your favorite combos and meals.  Who knows, you might help someone who stumbles across your post. :)

Good luck with Challenge #3 this week!  I KNOW you can do this.  I believe in you, and I want you to believe in yourself too.

Lots of love <3,


  1. This is a great post with an awesome chart on protein and serving sizes! I'm a nutritionist and a fellow foodie / blogger ;-) I got here through Bex on facebook :-) Lovely to see your blog! Love, Leanne (eatandgetmoving.wordpress.com)

  2. Hi Leanne! Thanks for checking me out. I just subscribed to your blog too. Looks like you have been to Health Hell and back and I think it is awesome that you are using your experiences to help others! Can't wait for more posts!
    Mon <3
