Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why You Should Eat Spinach, A Spinach Salad on the Go & a Green Smoothie

Hi everyone!

In my last video, I encouraged you to eat plenty of spinach, one of the most amazing superfoods on the planet.  This leafy green has so many health and healing benefits, vitamins and minerals that you would be crazy not to eat it. There is a reason Popeye became a bona fide super hero whenever he popped a can of the good stuff.  So read on because I've listed all kinds of benefits you can receive from spinach. Spinach aids in almost every function of your body, heals your body, prevents disease, and keeps you young!  At the end of the post, I've also included a yummy salad I took with me to work the other day and a green smoothie I had for yesterday's breakfast, both great ways to get more spinach into your diet.  Check out my facebook page as well for a Green Juice recipe with spinach.  And if I can't convince you, then maybe Popeye can in the video below. ;)

Btw, I've heard from a lot of you and am so proud of you all for keeping up with these challenges!  You have started a journey toward a life that is better than you ever could have imagined.  Keep checking in with me, I LOVE hearing from you!

Lots of Love<3,

Popeye says to eat your spinach!
Benefits of Spinach
  • B Vitamins (B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folic Acid) -- The "happy" vitamins that boost mood and energy levels; helps digestion, skin, immune function, memory and concentration; aids the nervous system.
  • Vitamin C -- The immune booster, a powerful antioxidant that heals your body, prevents colds and cancers.  Aids in the growth and repair of tissue, blood vessels, teeth, bones and gums.
  • Vitamin E -- Great for your skin and keeps you looking young, energizes, slows cancer growth, lowers blood pressure, prevents Alzheimer's.
  • Vitamin K -- Aids in blood clotting and bone health, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress, an anti-inflammatory for the body, prevents calcification in the body, improves brain function.
  • Iron -- Protects against disease, prevents anemia, makes your skin glow.
  • Calcium -- Strengthens bones and teeth, prevents cancer, helps insomnia.
  • Magnesium -- reduces stress on the body, fights depression, gives you energy, reduces PMS symptoms, good for your teeth, helps you burn fat faster, good for cholesterol levels, prevents heart attacks.
  • Manganese -- Good for your bones, aids in building connective tissue, helps the body absorb calcium, aids thyroid function, regulates blood sugar, helps metabolize fats and carbs.
  • Zinc -- Maintains the body's acid/alkaline balance, aids brain function, helps with infertility.
  • Potassium -- Improves mental clarity and focus by sending oxygen to the brain, reduces blood pressure.
  • Beta carotene -- Great for your eyes!
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids -- Good for skin, hair, nails, and brain; lubricates the inside of your body and reduces inflammation, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol, helps with arthritis and reduces risk of breast cancer.
  • Coenzyme Q10 -- Helps with weight management, converts glucose to ATP (the energy your muscles need), improves muscular performance.
Ways to Include spinach in your diet
  • Make a spinach salad.
  • Throw a handful of spinach into your smoothie.
  • Add spinach to your fresh juice.
  • Add spinach to your omelet.
  • Add spinach to your tomato sauce.
  • Steam your spinach and serve it as a side to any dinner.
  • Add spinach to a wrap for lunch.
Fruity Spinach Salad Recipe (on the go)
I took this fruity, sweet salad with me to work the other day.  I put baby spinach, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, sliced apples, sliced pears, dried cranberries, dried mango, pecans, raw almonds and mozzarella cheese into a tupperware as an easy takeaway meal.    Then I mixed a little extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar (about half and half) in a mini tupperware for the dressing.  You can shake it up for a nice balsamic vinaigrette when you eat.
The mini tupperware fits nicely in the salad container....
...put the lid on and I have a filling, delicious, lunch packed with good-for-me vitamins and nutrients!
Green Smoothie
This was a smoothie made for 3 people, so keep that in mind when you are looking at how much fruit I threw in to the blender!  The smoothie was a hit, though, so I want to make sure you all know the recipe!  Also, don't let the term "green" smoothie scare you away.  You can make any smoothie green just by throwing in a handful of spinach or kale or some other green fruit or veggie.   I put the following in the blender:  Frozen strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, banana, clementines, ground flax seed, then I added....
...equal parts soy milk (great source of a plant protein, although you should have it in moderation) and fruit juice.  I used apple raspberry kiwi juice.  I also added a few spoonfuls of vanilla yogurt.
Oops!  I almost forgot to add the spinach!  Don't worry, I added a nice big handful before it was too late!
And here is my (kind of) green smoothie!  Kind of an odd color, but it was a tropical kind of sweet that made you feel like you were on the beach in Hawaii.  
**This is also a good time to point out that a lot of food looks good to you because chemicals and dyes are added to them to make the food look, smell and taste more appetizing.  Do you know what red food coloring is made of?  Bugs.  Yep, an insect called the cochineal.  Check it out for yourself.

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