Monday, July 16, 2012

Living It Up with Our Fishing Poles!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to check in from fishing with my man in Gig Harbor!  It was a gorgeous day and I just had to share the view with you.  We even reeled in a few salmon, but released them since they were just a bit too small to keep.  I may not have caught my dinner, but any day you're catching is a great day. :)

Btw, I want to hear from my fishermen and women out there.  Who are you? Where are you from? What are you catching?  And I want pictures!  Post them to my facebook or twitter.

Hope you're living it up today:),


  1. I have to comment on this. It looks fantastic and you guys sure know how to have fun. What a great place to be at! Love your blog!!

  2. I love your website! Great tips and lots of fun ideas! Monica ... you are an inspiration! Thanks for being here! Lesley

  3. Monica ... Love your Website! Lots of great tips and fun ideas! Thanks for being here! Lesley

  4. Looks very peaceful and tranquil. Beautiful view, thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for following and for your kind words everyone. :)
