Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Solar Tube Sun Tea--Alternative Energy--Hell Yeah!

Hey guys!

Remember that cool solar thermal water heater I showed you?  If not, you can watch that video here.  Then check out my current video:

Today I'm showing you the sun tea I made in one of the solar tubes!  You can pretty much cook whatever you want in these tubes--they become a solar-powered oven that gets up to 300-400 degrees.  My boyfriend, Owen, takes them out on the boat while fishing and fills them up with hot dogs, chicken or veggies so that he has a hot meal when he starts getting hungry.  These are perfect for camping or RV life too!  Once you cook your food in any kind of solar oven, you realize that sun-cooked food is oh-so-much-better than food cooked in a conventional oven.  Soooooo much better!  If you don't have a solar tube, you can always email me to get your own or you can make a solar oven out of a cardboard box, tin foil, and saran wrap.  Search youtube for videos, because there are a ton out there!

I want you to start opening your minds to alternative ways of living that are better for our planet and more in tune with nature.  When we live in tune with nature, we are benefiting the planet and ourselves.  We have a beneficial symbiotic relationship with our planet.  Unfortunately, we haven't been living up to the beneficial part very well.  But YOU can make that difference!  It is not going to come from the top, there isn't enough money in making these kinds of changes.  It will come from us on the ground, the grass roots.  If you make small changes, and inspire others to make small changes, pretty soon those changes compound into a huge movement.  It starts with YOU.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.  Shine your light.  Spread your light.  Inspire others.  This is how real change happens.

On a side note, I just want to say how happy I am that this community we are building is becoming so much more active!  There are more and more conversations happening on my facebook and I LOVE it!  We need to keep the conversations going about creating a healthy body, a healthy planet and a healthy spirit.  I hope you all will continue to comment here on my blog, facebook and twitter, so that we can build a community of like minds.

I love you ALL!

1 comment:

  1. Damn! This is cool!! Going green feels great, I would love to try cooking some small bits of chicken in one of those solar oven tubes, naturally crisp. Delicious... Very cool and innovative, first I've seen of any of its kind.

    -Sharone Tal
